Adios Honduras

“I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.” ~ Rosalia de Castro

Dear Asher,

We just couldn’t seem to bring ourselves to cross that border into Guatemala. A last minute decision in Copan saw us board a bus away from Guatemala and back to the northern coast of Honduras. Our original plan was to only spend one month in Honduras but each new destination brought us spectacular landscapes, beautiful people and loads of sun. Over the past 74 days, we have grown fond of this highly underrated country, and we were sad to say goodbye.


The beauty of long term travel is that your itinerary is malleable. We planned to spend two weeks on the Bay Island of Utila but added an additional two weeks to bask in the the crystal clear warm water and gorgeous sunsets. We spent two nights longer than planned on the mountainside lake view rooftop in La Guama, two nights longer than planned eating hearty soups in Los Naranjos, three days longer than planned floating in the hot springs of Gracias, two nights longer than planned playing with Matthias in San Pedro Sula and nine days longer than planned riding our bikes through the sleepy streets of Omoa. Our globe-trotting aunt Martha taught us to stay put in places we love, so thirty days quickly turned into seventy four in one of our favorite countries we have ever explored.


Asher, you will miss floating off the dock at Rubi’s Inn and falling asleep in the hammock. You will miss our couchsurfing hosts Andrea, Andy, Robert, Jorge, the three Canadians and David. You will miss sleeping on the roof, under a mosquito net, falling asleep to the white noise of wind through leaves. You will miss sucking on coconut pastelas on your way to soaking in the hot springs and mingling with the locals in every central park. You will miss hitchhiking home after the days spent immersed with endangered macaws and all of the Christmas festivities on the cobble stone streets of Copan. You will miss cycling the back roads of Omoa and skinny dipping with your mom on secluded beaches. Much of these experiences we would have missed or would lack in vividness if we had stuck to our plan, because it is often the spontaneity that cements the experiences in our collective psyche.


Though we must say goodbye for now, we will visit Honduras again because there are too many friends adventures, and endless beauty just begging us to return. But next time we will plan for longer so we can have even more fun breaking those plans.

6 thoughts on “Adios Honduras

  1. I feel honoured to be mentioned as your inspiration. Thank you. Now YOU three inspire WE three. We are looking at a trip in March with flights only booked so we can, once again, wing it with our baby who now stands 6’1″ tall. It may be Cuba, St. Lucia or Cancun. Just scouting around for the least expensive flights to sunny climes. Stay tuned.

    Remember to include Nova Scotia on your next trip’s itinerary: We have a great couch (tee hee) and it’s in a room with a queen-size bed and a window which looks down at the wee, tidal Wolfville Harbour – just sayin.


  2. You ( not sure if it is J or A) are a very good writer! Asher will thank you for that. I wonder, if he takes his backpack in 15 to 20 years, what exactely he will find if he would do this travel again. How much will the world have changed and how will everybody be after these and those years of intense changes and unbalances due to changes. I wonder. Lets hope he finds that same friendliness that you encounter, and the same hospitality that embraces you on every step of the travel.
    The beauty of saying goodbye is that you even love it more once the moment is there to go, isn’f it?
    Love from teamHalbertsma to you all.


    1. Yes…we hope Asher will be inspired by reading this when he is older. It is amazing what can happen when you give something a try. Honduras surpassed our wishes and provided an unforgettable family journey. Thanks for checking in.


  3. Jim and Alyssa! your mum sent me your blog address in her Christmas card! I’ve just read a few of the entries and am so happy for the three of you…what a great adventure. You guys always do the neatest things…so inspiring. We think of your family and the fun times at Lighthouse Landing a lot. Keep on with the fabulous life you are building for your beautiful family…I know that you really don’t know any other way to do it!!!!!!! Chris Dreher


  4. Dear Asher,
    Saying good-bye is always hard when you’ve laughed, played, explored and enjoyed. All through life these imprinted memories will take you back. The pictures taken will remind you of that moment in time but it is the people and experiences that your soul will hold always!
    So happy for you, Mom & Dad. Hugs to everyone.


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